Wednesday 16 October 2013

Reading Test Data from Text File and Writing in to Text File

Purpose: Reading Test Data from Text File and Writing in to Text File

Some times we may need to read test data from text file. We can achieve this using simple Java snippet. following code will help you to address this

public class ReadTextFile {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        String readFile ="D://test.txt";
        String writeFile ="D://test1.txt";
        //reading contents from a text file  
            InputStream ips=new FileInputStream(readFile);
            InputStreamReader ipsr=new InputStreamReader(ips);
            BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(ipsr);
            String line;
            String[] n = null;
            while ((line =br.readLine())!=null){
             n = line.split(",");
             for(int i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
        catch (Exception e){
        //writing to a text file
        try {
            FileWriter fw = new FileWriter (writeFile);
            BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter (fw);
            PrintWriter fileOut = new PrintWriter (bw);
                fileOut.println ("\n1. Writing Content to text file");
                fileOut.println ("\n2. Writing content to text file");
        catch (Exception e){

Inupt file contents(test.txt):

First Name:, User First Name
Last Name:, User Last Name
User Name:, User Name
Password:, Password
Email:, email
First Name:, User First Name
Last Name:, User Last Name
User Name:, User Name1
Password:, Password1
Email:, email1

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