Monday 8 April 2013

Setting up Eclipse Environment for Selenium

Purpose: Setting up Eclipse IDE environment to Run Selenium Script

Following are the steps to setup successful Selenium environment for Eclipse IDE

In order to Setup, we need Java, Eclipse IDE, Selenium Webdriver, TestNG.

Step 1: Download Java and install if not installed. Visit the following URL and download JDK

Step 2: Download Eclipse IED and it not require ant install. Extract and open. Visit for following URL and download Eclipse

URL: download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers 32bit version

Step 3: Download Selenium Webdriver and build the path. Visit the following URL and download required Selenium Softwares


Step 4: Install TestNG for Eclipse

Select Help /  Install New Software /
Click on Add
Enter Any relevent Name for Name Field
Enter URL for Eclipse 3.4 and above, enter
For Eclipse 3.3 and below, enter
Select TestNG Software, Click Next and Install

Step 5: Create New Java Project and Create New TestNG file
Step 6: Right Click on Project > Build Path > Configure Build Path > Click Libraries > Click Add External Jars. Select the location of Selenium Webdriver and add the Selenuium .Jar file to Eclipse IDE Environment.

Step 6: Write the script and execute. Hope it will lanch application successfully.

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